In this tutorial we will see how to display the time of your Rust server with the command env.time. This command can be executed in game if you are an admin or a moderator, as well as in the live console of the management panel.

  1. Go to the panel.
  2. In the live console, enter the command env.time.
  3. The value displayed is the time of your Rust server. For example:
env.time: "22.14444"

Changing the time

To change the time of your Rust server, use the same env.time command, specifying as first argument the time you want. For example:

env.time 12

Little tip, if you want to add for example 3 hours, use the command env.addtime :

env.addtime 3

Change day, month and year

If you can change the day, month or year of your Rust server, you can use the same technique with the following commands:

  • allows you to display / change the day.
  • env.month allows you to display / change the month.
  • env.year allows to display / change the year.

Example: 1
env.month 1
env.month 2020

Pause time

To pause the time of your server with env.progresstime.

To activate the passing time:

env.progresstime false

To pause:

env.progresstime true