You want to enable the Whitelist on your server and manage it? It's straightforward!


  • You must be OP on your server to access /whitelist commands.

Enable Whitelist

To enable whitelist, you need to check a line in your You can use the panel or access the FTP of your Minecraft server for that.

Check that the following parameter is present: white-list=true

If the white-list parameter is set on false, then the whitelist is disabled. Replace false by true.

Then restart your server from the panel so the modification will be applied.

Whitelist management

To manage your whitelist, you have at your disposal a few commands for the panel or the game (only for OPs).

  • whitelist on
    Enable whitelist.
  • whitelist off
    Disable whitelist.
  • whitelist add NICKNAME
    Add a player to whitelist.
  • whitelist list
    Display the list of players allowed to join the server.
  • whitelist remove NICKNAME
    Delete a player from whitelist.
  • whitelist reload
    Force the reload the whitelist from the white-list.txt or whitelist.json file.