Since TeamSpeak 3.0, the use of SRV record is made possible for TS3, allowing your to have a nice connection address.
Direct application : no need to to enter an address like but !

A - DNS record ? Wtf ?

A DNS record mostly allows you to associate a subdomain to an address. So to access to our website you don't enter an IP address but !
A SRV record is just another application of this for ports and protocols, such as TeamSpeak.

B - Getting a domain name

This first step is mandatory, you need to have a domain name of your choice (ex :,, etc).
mTxServ doesn't sell domain name, but we advise you to get one to our historic partner OVH which provide domain name for less than 10€ per year and mostly allows to use the SRV record to process to this configuration.
Just go to the following page to get a domain name at OVH :
You already have one or wish to use another provider ? No problem, just be sure to be able to add SRV record type ! Contact the support for this.
For the following example, we consider using the domain name :

C - CNAME record configuration

Before configure the SRV record that will allow to not enter the port, you need to add a first record that will allow you to translate to the address of the mTxServ server hosting your TeamSpeak server.
To do so, create the CNAME record with these parameters :
- subdomain: ts3
- target :

Note : the address "" depends on your platform that is hosting your TeamSpeak server, just refer to the address displayed in our panel, for example if you TeamSpeak has the address "", put "" as the target for your CNAME record.

The propagation can take a few hours, be patient before contacting the support ;)

D - SRV record configuration

The most important part is now to avoid to enter the port in the address. For this example, let's say your TS3 server has 12345 port.
When adding your SRV record, enter the informations like below :
Subdomain :
Priority : 3600
Weight : 5
Port : 12345
Target :
You must get a complet DNS record like : 3600 IN SRV 0 5 12345
Note : adapt the informations to your domain and to the TS3 server port displayed in your panel.
Wait for a few hours for the DNS propagation to be done then try to connect to the new address :
And it's done !