7 Days to die Server Hosting
Create in a few clicks your own 7 Days to die server, hosted on high-end hardware.
Discover our latest panel, redundant backups, DDoS protection and more.
Powerful panel
Import your map
Premium for everyone
Premium hardware
DDoS Protection
No commitment
- € EUR
- £ GBP
- $ USD
- $ CAD
- 12 months (-30%)
- 3 months (-10%)
- 1 month
24 players
Best to play with your friends
What's included
Refund Policy
1 vCPU Ryzen 9900X @ 5,6GHz
Unlimited NVMe storage*
Automated backups (4 per day)
CosmicGuard DDoS Protection
24 players
48 players
Build your community
What's included
Refund Policy
2 vCPU Ryzen 9900X @ 5,6GHz
Unlimited NVMe storage*
Automated backups (4 per day)
CosmicGuard DDoS Protection
48 players
128 players
Develop your community
What's included
Refund Policy
4 vCPU Ryzen 9900X @ 5,6GHz
Unlimited NVMe storage*
Automated backups (4 per day)
CosmicGuard DDoS Protection
128 players
*Disk space is unmetered based on fair-usage, for the node you are on.
** No limited memory allocation is applied but maximum memory usable is based on fair-usage, for the node you are on.

Any question? We are on Discord
Exclusive features
Configure and manage your 7 Days to die server quickly with our exclusive features
Powerful panel
Premium hardware
DDoS Protection
Max Players
Full FTP Access
Automated Backup
MySQL Database
Console Live
Scheduled tasks
Discord bot
Offer change
Premium for everyone
No commitment
Why choose mTxServ?
Hosting a 7 Days to die server may seem simple, but maintaining a quality hosting requires time, skills, powerful hardware and good protection against DDoS attacks.
Benefit from a high-powered server hosted on top-of-the-line hardware, a state-of-the-art panel to easily manage the server, redundant backups, numerous advanced features and a support team that listens to you.
Choosing a 7 Days to die hosting provider like mTxServ is to benefit from the best, allowing you to focus on your favorite games and especially your community!
- No automatic renew, easy cancellation
- No Hidden Fees
- No Branding Enforcements
- No Server Overselling
- Your hosting service for 15 years
Multiple Locations
Multiple locations across the world
LondonUnited Kingdom
DallasUS Central